10 Business Competitions For High School Students To Build Entrepreneurial Skills


Are you ready to explore the exciting world of business, where your biggest ideas can come to life before you even finish high school?

If you have a head full of creative ideas and love a good challenge, plenty of ideas can prove life-changing.

We’re about to explore some awesome business competitions for high school students.

These aren’t just any contests – they can help you build skills, boost your college applications, and maybe even win some prizes.

Ready to get started? Let’s go:

(We also have another blog on science competitions for high school students. Science-loving students may give it a read).

Business Competitions For High School Students 2024

Here are some of the business competitions that are popular among high school students:


DECA is an international organization that helps students prepare for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.

Activities: Students compete in events where they solve real-world business problems through role-playing simulations and written reports.

Value: DECA provides hands-on experience in business scenarios, boosts confidence, and offers networking with professionals. It’s an excellent way to build leadership and communication skills.

Levels: Local, state, and international.

2. FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)

FBLA helps students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions and leadership development programs.

Activities: Competitions cover a wide range of business topics, including accounting, entrepreneurship, and public speaking.

Value: FBLA promotes personal growth, leadership qualities, and business acumen. Participants gain practical skills that are valuable in any career path.

Levels: Local, state, and national.

3. Junior Achievement (JA) Company Program

Junior Achievement is among the top business competitions for high school students that help students create and run their own companies with the help of business mentors.

Activities: Students go through all stages of a business, from product development to sales and liquidation.

Value: This program teaches financial literacy, teamwork, and entrepreneurial skills. It’s a hands-on way to understand how businesses operate.

Levels: Local and national.

4. Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

NFTE provides entrepreneurship education to young people from underserved communities, helping them develop business plans and pitch ideas.

Activities: Students create business plans and present them to judges.

Value: NFTE empowers students by bringing innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. It builds confidence and provides mentorship from business professionals.

Levels: Local, regional, and national.

5. Diamond Challenge

The Diamond Challenge is an entrepreneurship competition for high school students developed by the University of Delaware.

Activities: Teams develop business concepts and pitch their ideas to judges.

Value: The Diamond Challenge encourages creative thinking and provides feedback from real entrepreneurs, helping students refine their ideas.

Levels: Regional, national, and international.

6. Conrad Challenge

The Conrad Challenge encourages students to create innovative solutions to global and local problems.

Activities: Teams work on projects in categories like aerospace, cyber-technology, and the environment.

Value: This challenge promotes STEM skills and critical thinking. It’s a great way to work on meaningful projects that can make a real difference.

Levels: National and international.

Best Business Competitions For High School Students

Here are a couple of business competitions you should participate in if you are a high school student:

7. Wharton Global High School Investment Competition

This business competition for high school students, hosted by the Wharton School, is a global investment simulation for high school students.

Activities: Teams manage a virtual investment portfolio, making decisions to grow their investments.

Value: Students learn about financial markets, investment strategies, and teamwork. It’s a practical introduction to finance and economics.

Levels: Global.

8. MIT Launch

MIT Launch helps high school students start real companies, providing guidance from MIT resources and mentors.

Activities: Students develop and launch business ideas, learning every step of entrepreneurship.

Value: This program offers a real-world startup experience, encouraging innovation and resilience. It’s perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Levels: National and international.

9. FedEx Junior Business Challenge

Part of the PGA TOUR, this challenge invites students to pitch business ideas that can make a positive impact.

Activities: Students present their business ideas to judges in a pitch format.

Value: The challenge emphasizes creativity and social impact. Participants gain presentation skills and the confidence to pitch their ideas.

Levels: National.

10. National Economics Challenge

Hosted by the Council for Economic Education, this competition tests students’ knowledge of economics.

Activities: Students take written exams and participate in quiz bowls on topics like microeconomics, macroeconomics, and international economics.

Value: The challenge enhances understanding of economics, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It’s ideal for students interested in economics and finance.

Levels: State and national.

Over To You

These contests are more than just about winning – they’re about learning, meeting great mentors, and making new friends.

So, what are you waiting for?

Jump into one of these exciting business competitions for high school students and start your business venture today.

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