Do Colleges Look At Middle School Grades? A No Fluff Verdict


Do you occasionally think if your middle school grades could make or break your college dreams?

It’s a question that pops up more often than you’d think.

Haven’t gotten a satisfying answer so far?

Let’s talk about whether colleges actually give a hoot about those middle school report cards or it’s just the hype:

Do Colleges Look At Middle School Grades

Typically, colleges don’t consider middle school grades as part of their formal admissions process.

Admissions decisions primarily rely on high school academic performance, standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, and other factors.

However, strong middle school performance can lay a foundation for success in high school, which in turn can positively impact college applications.

How Important Are Middle School Grades?

In the college admissions process, middle school grades generally hold less significance compared to high school grades.

Colleges focus on high school performance because it reflects a student’s readiness for college-level work and their academic growth over recent years.

Middle school is a transitional period marked by developmental changes, and grades during this time may not fully capture a student’s capabilities or potential.

Admissions officers prioritize reviewing high school records as they provide a more comprehensive understanding of a student’s academic achievements.

What Can Students Do In Middle School To Help With College Applications?

Middle school is a great time for students to start laying the groundwork for successful college applications.

Here are some steps they can take:

Focus on Academics

Building a strong academic foundation is crucial. Students should strive to excel in their classes, develop good study habits, and seek help when needed.

Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Colleges value well-rounded students, so participating in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, community service, and arts programs can make a difference.

Middle school is a good time to explore different interests and find activities they’re passionate about.

Develop Strong Study Skills

Middle school is probably the best time to hone study skills that will be essential in high school and college.

Learning effective time management, organization, and study techniques can set students up for academic success.

Stay Informed Regarding College Requirements

Encourage students to stay informed about college admissions requirements and trends.

They can attend informational sessions, explore college websites, and seek advice from counselors, teachers, or older students.


Does Harvard look at middle school grades?

No, Harvard University typically does not consider middle school grades as part of its admissions process. Like most colleges, Harvard primarily focuses on high school academic performance, standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, and other relevant factors.

What grades do colleges look at most?

Colleges generally place the greatest emphasis on high school grades, particularly those earned in core academic subjects like English, math, science, and social studies. These grades provide admissions officers with insight into a student’s academic abilities and their consistency over time.

Over To You

While colleges won’t be scanning your middle school grades with a magnifying glass, they still hold a tiny piece of the puzzle in your academic career.

Keep striving for greatness, stay active in what you love, and remember, every grade counts, no matter where you are in school.

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