Top Charities Giving Free Cars To College Students (& Eligibility Criteria)


College is all about expanding your horizons, hitting the books, and yes, even finding the right wheels to get you from point A to point B.

But what if we told you that there are awesome charities and organizations out there ready to hand you the keys to a free car?

Yes, you heard it right – free cars.

Imagine no more stressing over bus schedules or begging friends for rides.

With the right set of wheels, you can cruise through college life with ease and style.

Simple, right?

Eligibility Criteria To Get Free Cars For College Students

To get a free car from these charities and organizations, you need to meet certain rules.

Here’s what you need:

  • Fill out an application form with the correct details
  • Be 18 years old or older
  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Have no criminal record
  • Have a valid driver’s license
  • Have good eyesight (not visually impaired)
  • Have no drug addiction

Best Charities & Organizations To Get Free Cars For College Students

Let’s talk about some non-profit charities and proper organizations that provide free cars to college students:

1. 800-Charity Cars

800-Charity Cars, also known as Free Charity Cars, is one of the oldest and most well-known organizations in this field.

They provide free donated vehicles to struggling families, including college students, to help them become self-sufficient.

The process involves filling out an application and sharing your story.

They aim to help people who need reliable transportation to achieve their goals, whether it’s getting to school or work.

2. Car Angel

Car Angel is another charity that donates cars to those in need, including college students.

They take donated vehicles, refurbish them, and give them to individuals who require reliable transportation.

Car Angel’s focus is not only on providing cars but also on supporting educational and religious programs.

They aim to help students who need a vehicle to get to classes or jobs, making their lives easier and more manageable.

3. Cars4Christmas

Cars4Christmas is a seasonal charity that gives away cars during the holiday season to people in need.

They understand the importance of having a vehicle, especially during winter months when public transportation can be challenging.

While their primary focus is on families and individuals facing hardships, college students struggling with transportation issues are also considered.

Applicants share their stories, and the charity selects recipients based on need and available resources.

4. Good News Garage

Good News Garage is a program run by Lutheran Social Services that provides refurbished vehicles to low-income families and individuals.

Their mission is to help people become self-sufficient by providing reliable transportation.

College students who need a car to get to school or work can apply.

The application process involves proving financial need and demonstrating how having a car will improve their situation.

5. Purple Foundation

The Purple Foundation helps individuals and families in need by providing free cars. Their goal is to make a difference in people’s lives by offering reliable transportation.

This program benefits college students, especially those who need a car to commute to classes or internships.

The foundation evaluates each application based on need and the impact a car would have on the applicant’s life.

Over To You

These organizations are here to help you get the most out of your college experience by providing something priceless – the freedom and independence that comes with having your own car.

Whether you’re hitting the books, heading to a job, or simply exploring the world beyond your campus, these charities have your back.

And imagine how cool it is to have your car so you can go to the nearby places to study without hassle?

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