I don’t know what to major in Expert Advice for Indecisive Students


Trying to pick a major or what you want to study is a big decision that can impact your future career in terms of flexibility and personal satisfaction.

Many students struggle with this choice, feeling unsure about their interests and strengths. If you’re feeling lost, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

This guide will help you navigate the process of selecting a major that suits you!

Tips on How to Pick a Major 

Understanding Your Interests

The first step in choosing a major is understanding your interests. Think about what you enjoy doing in your free time, the subjects you excelled in during high school, and the activities that make you lose track of time. These can provide clues about fields you might enjoy studying.

Exploring Different Fields

If you’re unsure about your interests, exploring different fields can help. Take a variety of introductory courses in your first year of college.

This exposure will help you understand what different majors entail and may spark an interest in an unexpected area.

Assessing Your Strengths and Skills

Your strengths and skills are important factors in choosing a major. Are you good at math? Do you have a talent for writing? Are you a natural problem solver? Knowing what you’re good at can guide you toward a major where you can excel.

Considering Career Opportunities

It’s important to consider the career opportunities associated with different majors. Some fields have more job openings and higher salaries than others.

Research the job market and talk to professionals in fields you’re considering. This information can help you make a more informed decision.

Seeking Advice

Don’t hesitate to seek advice from others. Talk to academic advisors, career counselors, professors, and professionals in fields you’re interested in.

They can provide insights into different majors and careers, helping you make a more informed decision.

Combining Interests and Career Goals

Sometimes, the best major for you is one that combines your interests with your career goals.

For example, if you love art and are also interested in technology, consider a major in graphic design or digital media.

This way, you can pursue your passion while preparing for a career.

Trying Internships and Part-Time Jobs

Internships and part-time jobs are great ways to gain real-world experience in fields you’re considering.

They can provide a clearer picture of what different careers involve and help you decide if a particular field is right for you.

Common Majors and What They Entail

Here’s a brief overview of some common majors and what they typically involve. This can give you a starting point in your exploration.


Business majors study various aspects of running and managing a business, including finance, marketing, and management.

This major can lead to careers in many industries, as every company needs business professionals.


Engineering majors focus on designing, building, and maintaining structures, machines, and systems.

This field requires strong math and science skills and offers high-paying job opportunities in various specializations like civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering.


Psychology majors study human behavior and mental processes. This one can lead to careers in counseling, therapy, research, and human resources.

Computer Science

Computer science majors learn about programming, algorithms, and systems design. This rapidly growing field offers numerous job opportunities in software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.


Biology majors study living organisms and their interactions with the environment. This major can lead to careers in healthcare, research, environmental conservation, and biotechnology.


English majors focus on literature, writing, and critical analysis. This major develops strong communication and writing skills which is a good reason that can lead to careers in writing, editing, teaching, and public relations.

Art and Design

Art and design majors study various forms of visual and performing arts. This major specializes in creative expression and can lead to you getting a job in fine arts, graphic design, animation, and interior design.

Making the Decision

Choosing a major is a personal decision that should be based on your interests, strengths, motivation, and career goals. Here are some steps to help you make the final decision.

Reflect on Your Interests and Goals

Take time to reflect on your interests, strengths, and career goals. Consider how different majors align with these factors. Think about what excites you and where you see yourself in the future.

List Pros and Cons

Make a list of pros and cons for each major you’re considering. This can help you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option. Consider factors like job prospects, earning potential, and how much you enjoy the subject matter.

Talk to People in the Field

Reach out to professionals working in fields related to the majors you’re considering. Ask them about their experiences, what they enjoy about their work, and any challenges they face. Their insights can provide valuable perspective.

Trust Your Gut

Sometimes, your gut feeling can be a good guide. If you’re drawn to a particular field or major, trust that instinct. Your passion and enthusiasm for the subject can drive your success.

Additional Tips for Choosing a Major

  • Stay Open-Minded: Be open to exploring new subjects and fields. You might discover a passion for something you hadn’t considered before.
  • Don’t Rush: It’s okay to take your time making this decision. Many students change their majors during college, so give yourself the space to explore and decide what’s best for you.
  • Consider Double Majoring or Minoring: If you have multiple interests, consider double majoring or minoring. This can allow you to study two areas you’re passionate about and broaden your career prospects. Consider scholarships offered to you as well when you would like to enter college. 
  • Focus on Skills: Regardless of your major or what you want to major in, focus on developing transferable skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are valuable in any career.
  • Use Campus Resources: Take advantage of campus resources like career services, academic advising, and tutoring. These services can provide support and guidance throughout your decision-making process.

Common Questions About Choosing a Major

  • What if I Choose the Wrong Major?

It’s common for students to worry about choosing the wrong major. Remember, your major doesn’t define your entire career. Many people work in fields unrelated to their major. Additionally, you can always change your major if you discover a new interest or career goal.

  • How Do I Balance Passion and Practicality?

Balancing passion and practicality can be challenging. One approach is to pursue a major that aligns with your interests while also considering job prospects and earning potential. For example, if you love art but worry about job prospects, consider a major in graphic design, which combines creativity with practical skills.

  • Can I Change My Major?

Yes, most colleges allow students to change their major. If you discover a new interest or realize your current major isn’t the right fit, talk to your academic advisor about the process for switching majors.

  • What If I Have Multiple Interests?

If you have multiple interests, consider double majoring, minoring, or choosing a major that allows for elective courses in other areas. This can provide a well-rounded education and keep your options open.

Bottom Line

Choosing a major is a significant decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By understanding your interests, exploring different fields, assessing your strengths, and considering career opportunities, you can make an informed choice.

Seek advice from others, try internships, and stay open-minded. Remember, your major is just one part of your educational journey and career path.

Focus on developing skills and gaining experiences that will prepare you for a successful and fulfilling future.

With careful consideration and exploration, you’ll find a major that aligns with your goals and passions!

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