Best Law Summer Internships for High School Students


Are you a high schooler with dreams of pursuing a career in law? or perhaps you are in for a law internship for high school? Well then summer internships whether they are paid internships or not can be an invaluable step towards realizing those dreams. 

These opportunities not only provide hands-on experience but also allow students to see a glimpse into the world of legal professionals. It introduces students to so much more! 

Let’s explore some of the best law summer internships for high school students and understand why these experiences are so beneficial.

The Value of Law Internships

Taking on a law internship during high school can be a game-changer.

Firstly, internships offer real-world experience that you simply can’t get in the classroom. You’ll witness court proceedings, assist with legal research, and learn the day-to-day responsibilities of different legal professions.

This exposure as high schoolers help you understand the practical aspects of law and decide if it’s the right path for you.

In addition to experience, internships help develop crucial skills. Critical thinking, research, and communication are key skills you’ll hone during your internship, all of which are valuable in any career.

Moreover, internships are fantastic networking opportunities. You’ll meet professionals who can offer advice, mentorship, and even job opportunities in the future.

Another significant advantage is how an internship can bolster your college applications. Admissions officers love to see proactive students who have taken steps to pursue their interests.

An internship shows that you are serious about your future and willing to work hard to achieve your goals.

Best Law Summer Internships for High School Students

1. The Constitutional Rights Foundation’s Expanding Horizons Internships

The Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) offers the Expanding Horizons Internships program for high school students interested in law and public policy.

This program places students in various legal settings, including law firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Interns participate in workshops, attend field trips, and work on projects that help develop their understanding of the legal system.

2. The District Attorney’s Justice Academy (DAJA)

The District Attorney’s Justice Academy offers a comprehensive internship program for high school juniors and seniors interested in law and public service. Interns attend seminars on the justice system, participate in mock trials, and work alongside legal professionals.

This program is an excellent way to gain in-depth knowledge of the legal system and explore potential career paths.

3. The Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program

Sponsored by the New York City Bar Association, the Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship Program aims to provide minority high school students with exposure to the legal profession.

Interns work in law firms, government offices, and corporate legal departments. The program also includes career development workshops and networking opportunities with legal professionals.

4. The Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program

While not exclusively focused on law, the Young Ambassadors Program offers internships in various fields, including law.

This program is designed to promote Latino leadership and engagement in the arts, sciences, and humanities.

Interns participate in a one-week training seminar in Washington, D.C., followed by a four-week internship at a local organization.

5. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Summer Advocacy Program

The ACLU Summer Advocacy Program provides high school students with the opportunity to learn about civil liberties and advocacy.

While this program focuses on broader social justice issues, it includes a strong legal component. Participants attend workshops, engage in advocacy projects, and learn from ACLU lawyers and advocates.

6. The Future Lawyers Program

Offered by the Los Angeles County Bar Association, the Future Lawyers Program is designed to introduce high school students to the legal profession.

Interns attend court hearings, participate in legal workshops, and work on projects that provide insight into various legal careers.

This program helps students develop a better understanding of the legal system and build essential skills.

7. The Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project

The Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project partners with universities and high schools to provide internships focused on constitutional law and civic education.

High school interns assist with teaching constitutional law to their peers and participate in moot court competitions.

This program is a great way to develop public speaking and critical thinking skills.

8. Georgetown Law Pre-College Summer Program

Georgetown Law offers a pre-college summer program designed for high school students interested in exploring a career in law.

This intensive program provides an overview of the U.S. legal system, including constitutional law, criminal justice, and international law.

Students participate in mock trials, attend lectures, and engage in discussions with law professors and practitioners.

9. National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) on Law & Advocacy

The NSLC on Law & Advocacy provides high school students with a hands-on introduction to the legal profession.

Participants learn about trial preparation, legal writing, and courtroom procedures. The program includes guest speakers, interactive workshops, and a mock trial competition, giving students a comprehensive understanding of legal careers.

10. Stanford Law School Summer Program

Stanford Law School offers a summer program for high school students interested in law and the legal profession.

The program covers topics such as constitutional law, criminal justice, and human rights. Students participate in lectures, discussions, and mock trials, gaining a deeper understanding of the legal system and potential career paths.

11. The Legal Aid Society’s High School Internship Program

The Legal Aid Society in New York City offers a high school internship program that provides students with an opportunity to work alongside attorneys and support staff.

Interns assist with case preparation, legal research, and administrative tasks. This program offers a unique insight into public interest law and the challenges faced by low-income clients.

12. The American Bar Association (ABA) Judicial Intern Opportunity Program

The ABA offers a judicial intern program for high school students interested in learning about the judiciary.

Interns are placed with state and federal judges, where they observe court proceedings, assist with legal research, and learn about the judicial process.

This program is an excellent way to gain firsthand experience in the legal system.

13. Global Youth Village’s Legal and Human Rights Program

The Global Youth Village offers a summer program focused on legal and human rights issues. Participants engage in workshops, simulations, and discussions about international law, human rights, and advocacy.

This program provides a global perspective on legal issues and prepares students for careers in international law and human rights advocacy.

14. UC Berkeley Pre-College Scholars Program

UC Berkeley offers a pre-college scholars program with a focus on law and social justice. Students take part in lectures, workshops, and field trips that explore legal issues and social justice movements.

This program is designed to inspire and prepare students for careers in law and public service.

15. The Supreme Court Summer Institute for Teachers

While primarily aimed at teachers, the Supreme Court Summer Institute occasionally offers opportunities for high school interns to assist with program logistics and participate in sessions.

Interns gain a deep understanding of the Supreme Court’s role and operations, attend briefings, and observe court sessions.

16. California Innocence Project’s High School Internship

The California Innocence Project offers internships for high school students interested in criminal justice and wrongful convictions.

Interns here can work on case reviews, assist with legal research, and participate in outreach efforts. This program provides an in-depth look at the criminal justice system and the efforts to correct wrongful convictions.

10. The United Nations Summer Study Program

The United Nations offers a summer study program for high school students interested in international law and diplomacy.

Participants attend lectures, engage in simulations, and visit UN offices to learn about international legal issues and the role of the UN in global governance.

Bottom Line

Law internships for high school students offer a wealth of opportunities to gain real-world experience, develop important skills, and explore potential career paths.

Whether you’re interested in working in a law firm, government office, or non-profit organization, there are numerous programs available to help you get started.

If you secure a law internship, you’ll not only enhance your college applications but also gain a deeper understanding of the legal field and what it takes to succeed.

Start researching, prepare your applications, and take the first step towards a rewarding career in law. These experiences will not only shape your future but also provide memories and skills that will last a lifetime.

Good luck! 

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