Science Facts For Students

Science Facts For Students

Making the jump from high school to college is a big step.

Many things change, such as the fact that you are responsible for your own health.

Your health plays a huge role in how successful you’ll be academically and in college.

It’s important for college students to have as much knowledge about their health as possible.

Knowing what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and how to take care of yourself can prevent illness and make sure you stay healthy so you can focus on your studies and activities.

Each person’s body is different and responds differently to certain health habits.

However, there are certain facts about health that everyone should know in order to make healthier choices for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

This article will go over that, so stick around! 


1. Chewing gum sharpens focus

Did you know that chewing sugar-free gum can help sharpen your focus when studying?

Studies have found that chewing sugarless gum for about 20 minutes improved a person’s ability to concentrate on tasks.

Chewing gum also helps increase blood flow to the brain, which helps with decision-making and alertness.

So if you feel yourself losing focus while studying, grab a stick of sugarless gum and start chewing!

Not only does it help you stay focused, but the act of chewing itself gives your brain a slight break from concentration.

It allows your mind to wander just enough for those creative “aha!” moments to come forth.

So try adding a stick of gum to your study routine!

2. Procrastination is inherited

It’s widely believed that procrastination is a habit that you can learn. But believe it or not, scientists are discovering that procrastination may actually be inherited!

It turns out that a gene commonly referred to as the ‘Dr. Doidge Gene’ is linked to procrastinating behavior.

Research has indicated this gene is more likely to be present in people who frequently put off tasks and make excuses for their lack of action.

So if you find yourself getting overwhelmed by school and struggling to stay on top of your assignments, it may not be something you’re doing wrong – rather, there may be an element of genetics at play here!

Knowing this fact could help encourage you to break out of the cycle of procrastination and start focusing on what needs to be done right away.

3. Taking pictures affects your memory

Taking photos can actually undermine your memory recall.

According to a study by the University of Alberta, people remember less when taking pictures than if they just observed without taking a photo.

The reason is that when we take pictures, we tend to focus on the camera and disregard other details in our environment that help us recall memories.

So while it may seem like a good idea to take pics of things you want to remember, it’s better to just observe without snapping any photos.

It’s important for students to understand how taking pictures impacts their memory because remembering what you learn is key to success in school.

The takeaway here is that if you’re going somewhere with the intention to remember it for later, try leaving the phone and camera at home and take mental notes instead.

4. Consuming eggs is good for reflexes

It’s no secret that eating eggs is a fantastic way to improve your reflexes.

This is because they contain choline, an essential nutrient that has been linked to improved memory and muscle control.

That means if you want to hone your reflexes, start consuming eggs more frequently!

They offer an amazing source of protein and can be easily prepared quickly in the morning before class or while studying at night after class.

Plus, they contain other crucial nutrients like iron and vitamins A, B12, B6, and D which are essential for overall health.

By adding eggs to your weekly menu, you can reap all these vital health benefits as well as give your reflexes a boost.

5. Work stress may lead to diabetes

Unhealthy levels of stress put our bodies in prolonged “alert” mode, which can take a physical and emotional toll. It can also increase the risk of developing diabetes over time.

Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline can elevate blood sugar and impair glucose tolerance leading to type 2 diabetes.

It’s important for students to recognize the signs of toxic work stress and take action to reduce it by engaging in hobbies and activities that encourage relaxation.

It’s also beneficial to prioritize tasks, create boundaries with employers, practice self-care, and get enough quality sleep!

All of these things will help maintain healthy glucose levels and keep diabetes at bay!

6. You may be consuming too much sugar

Too much sugar consumption can weaken your immune system and lead to health concerns such as obesity and diabetes.

Most sugars consumed today come in the form of added sugars, which are found in processed foods like packaged snacks, soft drinks, and cakes.

The World Health Organization recommends that adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to below 10% of total energy intake – this amounts to no more than 12 teaspoonfuls per day for an adult of normal body mass index (BMI).

Moreover, it is important to be aware of hidden sources of sugar because added sugar can be found in processed foods under different names like dextrose, maltose, lactose, etc.

Therefore reading nutrition labels helps you be aware and mindful of what exactly you are consuming.

Finally, instead of consuming sugar-rich foods, opt for naturally sweet treats like fruits or vegetables for a nutritious treat!

7. Bananas can improve mood

Bananas might be small but they can make a big difference in your mood.

Packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and compounds that boost serotonin levels, this yellow tropical fruit has many benefits for both physical and mental health.

Eating just one banana can instantly lift your mood by providing energy and helping the body to produce more happy hormones! Plus, it’s also been proven to naturally reduce stress and improve concentration.

Aside from boosting your mood, bananas have other health benefits as well.

They’re rich in antioxidants which help protect the body against disease and their high potassium content helps lower blood pressure levels.

Eat either one or two sliced bananas for breakfast each day to start the day off on a positive note!

Doing so will ensure you get all the health benefits this delicious fruit offers and keep your serotonin levels high so you can stay relaxed throughout the day!

Final Thoughts

No matter what life stage students are in, being health-conscious should always be a priority.

Knowing the facts about nutrition and physical activities can help students make wise decisions that will benefit their overall health and well-being.

By properly understanding how the body works, what it needs to stay healthy, and learning how to take care of it, students can live their lives happily and enjoy a better quality of life.

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